storm damaged roofing in Naples FL should be inspected and repaired asap

Storms are becoming increasingly strong and increasingly frequent each year and the amount of damage they cause to properties, especially to roofs, is increasing, too. While not all storm damage can be prevented, there are many ways to reduce the risk of major roof damage on your building – here are some tips.

Do Not Neglect Maintenance

Regular inspections and roof cleaning can strengthen your roof, making it more resistant to the high winds, hail and heavy rain associated with storms. Ideally, roofing in Naples FL should be inspected and cleaned twice a year, once in spring and once in fall, to remove the debris that has accumulated on the roof and to prepare it for the following season. The process should be extended to the gutters and the downspouts, too – you should start with the roof surface and the roof valleys and finish with the gutter pipes. The faults detected during the inspection need to be addressed as soon as possible, to restore the strength of the roof before the next major storm.

The Importance of Maintaining Your Trees

In many cases, the storm damage sustained by roofs is not caused directly by the winds or the hail that comes with the storm, but by the impact caused by large tree limbs and branches that are torn by the winds and dropped onto the roof. Luckily, the problem can be prevented – inspect your large trees regularly, paying special attention to the trees that have branches overhanging the roof and remove any limbs that seem dead, weak or ill. If you are not sure about the signs of tree diseases, hire a tree expert to check your landscape and to remove the branches that can cause problems.

Use the Right Materials

When the time comes to replace your old roof and to choose new roofing materials, pay attention to storm resistance as well. Some roofing materials fare better for stormy regions than others – conventional asphalt shingles, for examples, are more easily lifted or damaged by strong winds and hail than clay or cement tiles. Similarly, you should choose your gutter pipes with local climate features in mind – today, there are so many options to choose from that you can surely find the most suitable products.

Install Attic Insulation

At first glance, installing attic insulation might seem like a measure intended to only improve your home’s energy efficiency, but it indirectly influences the strength of your entire roof. Attic insulation prevents the heated air from rising to the roof, therefore it is the best way to prevent the appearance of condensation. Without insulation, the contact between heated air and the cold air that fills your attic in winter would result in the appearance of excessive moisture in the attic. That moisture takes the form of small droplets that settle all over the attic, on the walls as well on the support structure of the roof, weakening the roof’s beams and trusses and, with them, the entire roofing structure. Fortunately, you can prevent all that with a simple blanket of insulation material installed on the attic floor.